Friday, January 5, 2018

I Have A Dream

 A very Happy New Year to each one of you. 2017 is history and 2018 has seamlessly stepped in to fill the void. In many ways, nothing has changed; the status quo remains, the chips are where they fell three days ago, and a sense of resignation could possibly be enveloping you – nothing's gonna change, the issues are the same, the challenges still beckon and the resources are still inadequate. For most people, if not all, a change in date doesn't bring about a change in circumstance or situation. A year has merely settled into the annals of antiquity, and a new one has begun to unfold.


However, there is one thing within your grasp that can bring about a change in perspective. A new perspective, a view from a different angle, often stimulates fresh thinking. That's what perspective is – it's a view from a point. And fresh, renewed thinking is possibly what you need as you start this new year 2018. What is that one thing? ATTITUDE. As Viktor Frankl, famed psychologist and holocaust survivor said, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."


So, why not choose today not to accept the status quo? Why not choose today to make 2018 different? Decide that 2018 is going to be the defining year for you. Why is it going to be different? Because you are going to put back into your life a dream you put in cold storage. A dream you thought wouldn't work. A dream that maybe well-meaning friends talked you out of, but a dream you know deep down excites you, invigorates you and inspires you. A dream that can make a difference, that can touch lives and that may be your very reason for living. And I say to you today: Pull it out, dust it off, and bring it back to front and center of your life. This could be the year. This could be the dawning of a new day, the spawning of a new idea, the genesis of a concept that defines you, that helps you metamorph from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Friends! This could be your year!


So, again I say to you: Don't accept the status quo. Don't adopt a que sera sera attitude, whatever will be, will be. New years are opportunities for new beginnings that start with fresh attitudes that can germinate within the first few days of a new year. Grasp it. Don't let it go. Don't look back at past defeats; look ahead to future possibilities. As our Scriptures say, "Forget what happened long ago. Don't think about the past. I am creating something new." That's what God wants to do in your life. And I say to you: Be proactive with Him and let that dream that you thought was long gone become something that is fulfilled in the days and months ahead in this year.


Happy New Year my friends. God bless each one of you and may the year 2018 be a defining year in each one of your lives.


May I pray with you? Almighty God, You placed dreams in our hearts, in our lives. And I pray for each who listens to this, who reads this. Lord, bring those dreams back into front and center of their lives. Show them the way that these dreams can see the light of day. Empower them. I pray that many d reams will be fulfilled in this year 2018 because they have chosen to take the right attitude and to trust you to bring those dreams into fulfillment and fruition.  In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen.


·       Viktor Frankl quote:

·       Bible quote:



1 comment:

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